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Monday, December 9, 2013

Our Yearly Christmas Cards

Sending Christmas cards seems to be a lost art. I know when my parents first got married they got over 100 cards every Christmas. I wasn't alive to see that but I remember seeing all the cards show up every season. I also noticed as the years went on less cards would show up. When I started working in high school I bought my own funny Christmas cards and passed them out to all of my co-workers. 

I always thought it was a sweet sentiment to send Christmas cards but I especially loved picture cards. I decided 13 years ago to start sending out picture Christmas cards. I didn't even have children of my own. My first one was of my friends son. It was his first Christmas. It became a picture chronicle of my year. I was pregnant in one and then the cards started to become pictures of our kids. 

There was 1 child and then there was 2 and then there was 3 kids in those beautiful cards. Every year people would call and say how much they enjoyed the cards. It started out that I sent out 30 cards. Then it was 50 cards and before I knew it I was ordering 100 cards. I started addressing all the envelopes and place them in the mail on the night before Thanksgiving. It was so people would get them on the day after Thanksgiving or that weekend. 

 I used to only have the kids on the cards. I thought the kids were what everyone wanted to see anyways. Like this card. 

I started off sending the cards to family and friends local and in 5 other states. It grew each and every year. Then one year I thought why not take a family picture for the card and if it didn't work out I could always use another picture of the kids together. Well it did work and I sent off 100 cards that year. Wow! People called and sent me messages every year but that year it was even more than in years past. People tell me they keep the cards, others have said I am the star on top of their card tree every year. 

Every year after that I sent out cards with the entire family minus the 2 labs who run our house. I couldn't figure out a way to get all of the kids to look at the camera the same time the dogs would be. It is a goal to have all of us and our 2 labs in the picture at least 1 year. 

Here is some of the cards from past years. Such as this one.

Each year it grew and I sent more cards out and to more states. I started sending a family update along with some of the cards as well.  People loved the card and I loved that they knew we were thinking of them. Here is another card.

I am sure you must be thinking it is expensive to send out that many cards. So let me give you my tips. People ask who is my photographer? Only 1 year we used a photographer, it was the first year I did the entire family. She is a friend and gave me a great deal. After that year I thought why not try to take the picture at one of our favorite places. My niece has been my photographer and so has my Mom. We used to use my old point and shoot camera until this year. I set up all the poses and they take the picture. I also get the picture printed for our home at Sam's Club a 20 x 30 is only $8.96. Can't beat $8.96 for a family photo. I now have a big girl camera I didn't get the new camera for the Christmas card picture we got it for the kids sports events. I get the cards from Sam's Club which is super reasonable and there are a ton of options. I must admit the most expensive part of this is the stamps. 

This year we sent out 130 cards to over 20 states. Each year it grows but I feel blessed to have so many people in our lives. I am sure you are wondering if I get that many back. The answer is no, but that is ok. My sister has never sent out a Christmas card to anyone. While there are others who I know will send a card every year. I love getting each and every card.  I save one of our cards for each of the kids every year. I know when they are older they will look back through the cards and have great memories. I want to share this years card with you. 

So why send out Christmas cards?

1. It lets people know you are thinking of them. 
2. People genuinely like receiving your card.
3. It is like a hug from miles away.
4. Christmas cards are a way of staying in touch.
5. People have seen our kids grow from babies through the years. 
6. I know it is some work but it is only once a year.
7. Especially if you do picture Christmas cards you will look back at those cards and cherish them. It is like a picture chronicle of our family over the years.

Merry Christmas!! Send a card and share some love. 

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