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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Our Year in Review

Our Year in Review

As the year comes to a close it made me think of everything that has happened in 2013. When I sat down to write this blog I was shocked with how much we did in 2013. I knew we were busy but I didn't know we were this busy. 

-We started the year off with a splash at a pool party.
-We are back to soccer conditioning and practice.

-Valentine's Day parties and all the fun that come along with the holiday that is all about love.
-Went ice skating as a family. It was the first time Fife3 was on the ice. The kids loved having Mr. Fife out on the ice with them. I stayed on the sidelines taking pictures. Once again I should mention I have no coordination at all. 
-Fife1 &2 played in an Indoor National Soccer Tournament. There was teams from all over the country and a few from other countries. It was really something special to be in a tournament like this one. 
-Went to see the play Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.

-Every Palm Sunday we have a ladies luncheon for our family. I will go into this in another post. This year we had the best one ever. It will be hard to beat this years and the company that was there with us. My Mom plans this every year and she has done this for over 10 years. 
-Outdoor soccer season started for all 3 Fife kids. Fife2 played on 2 teams. 
-We had a great Easter and spent it with the people we love the most in this world. 

-We began a house remodel. We remodeled 4 rooms in our house. It took longer than we thought and cost way more than we thought it would. 
-The kids were excited when they were on TV in a news report about their school. 
-Soccer is still in full swing. 

-Our kids friends made their First Communion. We were honored to share this day with them. 
-Fife1&2 play in another soccer tournament.
-Someone who is like another mother to me and a grandmother to my kids had her park dedication. It is an honor beyond words to have a park named after you. 
-First school dance for Fife1.
-Fife2 made her First Communion. It was a special day for her and meant so much to all of us. 
-Outdoor soccer season ends for all 3 Fife kids.
-Spring violin recital for Fife1&2. 
-Elementary school graduation party. We started planning this months in advance like 6 months in advance. There was some amazing moms who made this all possible N, R, K, J, you really did an amazing job. It was a lot of work for us parents but the kids loved it and will have those memories forever.
-Fife3 started his baseball season. This was the first year Fife3 played and did a great job.

-Elementary school graduation and awards ceremony. Fife1 made honor roll all year and won award after award. We couldn't be prouder of Fife1. Good job!!
-Mr. Fife's brother came for a visit. He lives in another state and the kids love seeing him. They love their uncle, his wife and 2 kids more than they know.
-Fife3 started playing the violin. 
-Fife3 started practicing for the fall football season. 
-Summer meant sleepovers and kids running all over our house. 
-Fife1&2 start soccer practice for the fall season.

-Our Goddaughter made her First Communion. We are so proud of her.
-Fife1&2 still having soccer practice and conditioning. 
-I lost an amazing woman who helped shape me into the person I am today. She was strong, beautiful, compassionate, kind, caring and I had the privilege of being able to call her Grandma. She is missed everyday. I love you Grandma Helen. 
-We had a personal concert by a world class violinist on my moms front porch. It is nice to have friends who are super talented. She is like another mother to me also and is one of my moms best friends.
-Our kids were thrilled when their little cousin came for a visit. They love her so much and want us to have another baby because she is so sweet and precious. Her visit was a highlight of their summer. They love her so much.

-First soccer game of the fall outdoor season for Fife1&2.
-First football game for the year for Fife3.
-First day back to school.
-Fife3 made a touchdown and so it started his streak of touchdowns.

-The month is filled with soccer games and practices.
-This month is also filled with football games and practices.
-Fife3 made some more touchdowns. It was awesome to see the team play. They all have so much heart for the game.

-Fife3's team finished the football season in first place.
-Fife3's team was in the playoffs and did an amazing job. Fife3 is really good at football. 
-Fife1&2 became altar servers at mass for the first time. We are so proud of them. 
-Fife1&2 started a great foot skills program I know it is going to improve their soccer game.
-Halloween parties and fun.

-All 3 Fife kids started taking ice skating lessons. Fife1&2 took ice skating lessons a few years ago but once they got so involved with soccer and cheerleading there wasn't time for skating.
-Fife1 auditioned and got a part in the school play.
-Spent Thanksgiving with our family. I love Thanksgiving and always try to remember to count my blessings all year. Count your blessings and they will multiple. Count your problems and they will multiple. Which would you prefer?

-Our family grew by 10 fingers and toes. Our nephew was born in early December and he is a gift from God. He is just precious.  
-Christmas concerts
-Winter violin recital  for all 3 Fife kids.
-Spent the holidays with our family and friends. We had a great time and made some great memories.
-We got to attend a birthday party for a friend I wrote about it in a previous post. At the birthday party we discovered a new sport whirlyball. It is so much fun.
-We are looking forward to fun and adventure that is to come in 2014.

I know there is stuff that I missed that I will think of tomorrow morning. There are some personal achievements that I left off because I don't know how comfortable they would be with sharing their experiences. How was your year? Did it go by fast or way too slow for your liking? Are you relieved 2013 is almost over or was it the best year of your life?

I hope everyone has a healthy, amazing, positive 2014. Thanks for stopping by I really appreciate it. Feel free to leave your thoughts and comments. 

 Bye 2013 & Happy New Year,

Mrs. Fife

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