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Saturday, December 14, 2013

12 Days of Christmas Day 2

12 Days of Christmas Day 2

If you want to read all about my 12 days of Christmas with ideas and suggestions here is the link. 

This morning was hectic to say the least. All 3 of the Fife kids had their winter violin recital. They did a great job I am really proud of them.  When the recital was done we had to go directly to their school auditorium for their class Christmas concert/performances. Fife 1 had a band concert and Fife 2's class sang beautifully. Fife 3's class wasn't preforming and I think he was relived. Here are some pictures of them from the recital. 

Mr. Fife had a busy day also and unfortunately wasn't able to make the violin recital or the Christmas concerts. He hates missing any of their recitals, performances, games, school parties and events etc. I realize that I am blessed to be able to attend each and every event with our kids. I know he sacrifices so much so they have me at every thing. Thank you Mr. Fife I appreciate you and all you do for us. 

Ok I wanted to post about Day 2 of the 12 Days of Christmas. Mr. Fife isn't a morning person but he becomes a true morning person for the 12 days leading up to Christmas. He couldn't wait to find out what he was getting for day 2. 

I must put a disclaimer here....  My husband told me years ago that he loves Old Spice. I started laughing because I haven't heard of anyone wearing Old Spice since my grandpa. Especially men in their 20s don't wear it. I didn't know they still made Old Spice until he mentioned it. He told me that there would be a lot less people on Earth if Old Spice wasn't around. He said all ladies love Old Spice and can't resist it. I know you are laughing as much as me right now.

When I seen the 2 piece Old Spice gift set I knew he would love it. He did and he told me again about his theory of Old Spice causing the birth of millions. 

I wrapped this gift last week and didn't notice what was on the back of the box until today. I guess my husband isn't the only one that believes in the power of Old Spice. 

Look closely at the box. "If your grandfather hadn't worn it, you wouldn't exist." 

Day 2 of the 12 Days of Christmas was a great success. I know this maybe Day 1 for some of you. So what did you do for Day 1 and Day 2? 

Happy Day 2 of Christmas. Check back tomorrow for Day 3.  

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