Monday, December 30, 2013

New Years Resolutions

Every January 1st millions of people set New Years Resolutions. I am usually not one of those people. I don't say I am going to start some diet plan or improve my organizational skills because the new year started. I am not saying I don't need to lose the 100 pounds I gained since having kids. In fact I think about losing weight more than anyone should. 

The reason I haven't made new years resolutions in over a decade is because of the statistics the media seems to shove down our throats. You know the ones I am talking about, how most people fall off the resolution wagon by mid January and by the end of January almost every one has failed at their new years resolution. I guess I always thought what is the point of setting a goal when 99% of people fail at keeping these new year promises to themselves. 

With that said I have decided to set 2 new years resolutions this year. One is something on my bucket list and the second I know will benefit my health. 

I want to read the Bible from cover to cover in 1 year. I have seen a free printable chart that helps with this and gives a great plan. I have printed out the chart and will follow the steps to read the Bible in 1 year. It is a simple plan read 3 chapters every weekday and 4 chapters on the weekends. Yes this is one of the things on my bucket list. It is something I wanted to accomplish for years. My Dad read the Bible every day. He read through the entire Bible over and over again.  Here is a link to the website where you can print out the chart for free. 

I printed the chart on cardstock and hung it where it can be seen so that will help to keep me accountable. 

The second resolution I am making is to give up pop (soda.) I drink way more pop than I should. I drink a lot of water but I also drink as much pop which isn't good. I know it isn't the healthiest choice to make but I still drink it. I gave up pop for months once. I know I will be healthier for sticking with this resolution. 

Are you making any resolutions this year? If so what are they? 

Thanks for stopping by and have a great new year whether you make resolutions or not.

Mrs. Fife

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