Monday, December 2, 2013

Mrs. Fife 101

I have been living life as a fife for the past 13 years and counting. My name is Bonnie but I must admit my last name isn't Fife. My husband is in law enforcement and channels Barney Fife 24/7. We really love all things Barney Fife. Even though neither one of us were even a thought when The Andy Griffith Show was on. We love watching the episodes on DVD over and over again. I really live a wild and dangerous life. 

Here are a few pictures from our vacation 2 years ago. When we had to make a pit stop because of our Barney Fife obsession.


This is Mr. Fife and I in Mount Airy, North Carolina the birthplace of Andy Griffith. Yes I did have blonde or white hair back then. I now realize it looks anything but natural on me. But what can I say? You only live once and I wanted to know if blondes really have more fun or maybe I wanted people to think my kids got their beautiful blonde hair from their mother. Either way I now realize it is a mistake not to be repeated again. 

Here is Mr. Fife outside the Andy Griffith Museum.
Here is Mr. Fife in another part of Mount Airy. Our kids didn't see the fascination we did with this stop. They were thrilled when we got back in the car and on our way to our destination. 

 I will introduce Mr. Fife in his own blog post. I want to introduce myself to those of you reading this who don't know me personally. I must admit introducing myself without going on a tangent about Mr. Fife or our 3 kids is much harder than one would think. There are some random things I want to share with you, I am nervous. Yes I said it I am nervous about writing a blog. The thoughts that I should have paid more attention during English class when we were talking about that little thing known as grammar is running through my head at lighting speed. Hoping my grammar is up to your standards if not please let me know. I am a work in progress on everything and open to all suggestions.

Now that we have discussed some of my insecurities I will move on. I grew up in an extremely small town with my parents and 2 siblings. Being the youngest child was such a difficult role in the family but someone had to do it. If anyone believes that I have some nice swamp land for sale in Florida. I often tell my brother and sister the reason I am the youngest is because Mom and Dad finally got it right. Unlike their first 2 failed attempts = my siblings. There isn't a lack of confidence in that statement. However my brother and sister would like to think that I am the "opps" my parents had well after their perfect family of 4 was set. My parents planned to have me later than my siblings. I swear!

I attended private school which meant I wore the same outfit day in and day out. Nothing makes your sense of expression grow like wearing the same plaid or solid color jumper/skirt for 13 years in a row. As you can tell my sense of sarcasm is going strong with no signs of stopping. I didn't just attend any private high school I attended an all girls private high school. Nothing says living like a rock star like all-girls private high schools. The only thing that sounds like more of an ongoing party would be living in the convent. Being serious for a second I really receive a good education and like all things in life you get what you put into it. 

I have graduated from college but I would like to say that I went to college right after high school and graduated 4 years later. That isn't the case I took my good ole time. This is something I regret and wish I would have taken more seriously when I was young. Listen to me young kiddies take your grades and college serious. It will effect the rest of your life. 

I met my husband at 15 but we didn't start dating until we were 20. I will tell that story on another post. It is a long story and such a major part of my life it deserves a post of its own. 

I love photography and take an obnoxious amount of pictures. I admit it but really don't want to do anything about it or stop it. I believe that one day when my children are grown Mr. Fife and I will sit around looking at all of these pictures and say awwwwwww. Awwwwww is sophisticated word that my college and private school education taught me. Can you hear me laughing as I type that line?   

I am married with 3 beautiful children and 2 pure bred labrador retrievers who run my home. The dogs act as if they made last months mortgage payment. I am a stay at home mom who likes volunteering and doing all of the fun stuff with the kids at school. I have planned more Valentine's Day, Halloween, Holiday parties than I ever thought possible, I often find myself scouring Pinterest looking for new ideas for those parties. You can only play holiday bingo so many times before it gets old. 

Thanks for sticking with me through this long post. I hope you know more about me and find my sarcasm as funny as I do. 

Thanks For Reading,

Bonnie AKA   Mrs. Fife

**I must put a disclaimer here. No my life isn't perfect but you won't find me complaining about my life, husband or children. If you want to hear about problems, people going through relationship issues and fighting you have come to the wrong blog. I believe life is hard enough and no one needs to hear me complain. I also believe every thing you complain about someone else would look at as a blessing. Complaining about making dinner or washing clothes when some people are struggling to afford food, clothing and shelter isn't right in my book. I will step down off my soapbox now.

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