Saturday, April 4, 2015

Easy No Sew Soccer / Cheerleader Hair Bows

Easy No Sew Soccer / Cheerleader Hair Bows 

It is that time of year again. In our house spring means the start of another soccer season. Our girls are playing on 2 different soccer teams this season. I thought I would share the quick and easy no sew, step by step instructions to making cute hair bows. These hair bows look great whatever they are doing whether it is cheerleading or soccer.

Here are the cast of characters:

  • Fabric 3 different colors. (Our team colors are black and red and the other team colors are blue and gold. However, I always use a silver shine fabric also.)
  • Pack of ponytails
  • Ruler
  • Scissors

I'm sure you are wondering how much fabric do you need????? Well, that depends on how many hair bows you are making. If you are making 1 or 20.

I will give you a way to estimate the amount of fabric you need later in the post.

I take a ruler and measure strips of fabric 2 inches wide by 14 inches long.

I then cut those strips in half so I end up with a piece of fabric 2 inches wide and 7 inches in length.

I use 4 strips of each color on each ponytail. So there is a total of 12 stipes of fabric on each hair bow.

This really couldn't get any easier. Now, all you do is take a strip of fabric, fold it in half lengthwise and knot (tie) it around the ponytail.

I usually put 4 of the same color fabric on a ponytail then go on to the next color. It helps me keep track.

I made 16 hair bows and I bought 1.5 yards of fabric and had a lot left over.

A way of estimating the amount of fabric is to think you need 4 inches in width. So a yard of fabric should give you at least 15 hair bows.

This bow is from last year. 

I always buy more ponytails, just in case one breaks. I never have used the ponytails from Dollar Tree. I've had packs that break easily and other packs from there that last forever. It is to hit or miss for me to use them when making these.

I hope you make these cute hair bows for your team. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.


Mrs. Fife

Friday, February 20, 2015

Cheap Homemade Laundry Detergent Recipe

Homemade Laundry Detergent Recipe

I have 3 young kids and getting their clothes clean is a full time job. I have tried every type and price point of laundry detergent. Some work better than others. When I heard about homemade laundry detergent I thought why not give it a try? There is a total bonus to homemade laundry detergent it is cheaper and better than any of the brands out there. So I was intrigued and decided to make my first batch. The verdict is.....  I LOVE it!!! I made some changes and I thought I would share the recipe on my blog. So here it is, believe me your dirty clothes will never come so clean. 

The Cast of Characters:

1 bar of Fels-Naptha **
1 & 1/4 cup Arm & Hammer Washing Soda  (NOT baking soda)  **
1 & 1/4 cup Borax **
1 bottle of Arm & Hammer Liquid Laundry Detergent (Optional)
5 gallon bucket with lid (A few dollars at Home Depot, Wal-Mart might also carry them)
3 Gallons of hot water
3 Cups of hot water

You will also need:

Saucepan (I got mine from the Goodwill and only use it to make laundry soap.)
Grater (I bought it at Dollar Tree and I only use it when I make laundry soap.) 
Long spoon (I only use this when making laundry soap. Do you see a pattern forming here?)

** All of these items can be found in the same spot as the laundry detergent at most stores. I buy mine at Wal-Mart. 

Grate the entire bar of Fels-Naptha.

Add 3 cups of hot water to the sauce pan on medium to low heat. Slowly add the grated Fels Naptha to the hot water. Stir, stir, stir, stir. Did I mention you need to stir it? I use the long wooden spoon to stir the mixture.

 Keep adding more and more of the Fels-Naptha until it is all melted in the liquid. You can't walk away from this mixture, you need to keep an eye on it. When it is all melted turn the heat off.

 Add 3 gallons of hot water to the 5 gallon bucket. 

Then add the melted Fels-Naptha mixture.

 Stir the hot water and melted Fels-Naptha. Add in 1 & 1/4 cup of washing soda. Stir the mixture. Add 1 & 1/4 cup of Borax to the mixture and stir for 2 minutes. Put the lid on and let it sit overnight. 

It will be thick like a jello in the morning. Mix the soap with the spoon and it will be lumpy like a soup. It won't be liquid like traditional liquid detergent. I use a cup/lid from a detergent bottle. 1 cup/lid full per load is what I use. 

Here is the optional part that I do with every batch I make.

Make the detergent as above. In the morning after the mixture has set overnight, when you are stirring with the spoon add a full bottle of Arm & Hammer liquid laundry detergent. I use the kind that has OxyClean in it and think it works the best. I think it gets the clothes cleaner than any other brand. It costs less and lasts longer. 

Here is how it looks with the Arm & Hammer liquid laundry detergent added. 

I hope you make a batch and like it as much as I do. 

Mrs. Fife